Metal modules of electrotechnical blocks (MEB) of switchgear up to 35 kV

Middle-voltage Switchgears primary & secondary in modular Buildings (MSB) 10 - 35 kV are designed for internal placement of electrical equipment, including switchgear, complete transformer substations (CTS), and protection of this equipment and operating personnel from the influence of the external environment.
МBS are designed to operate in the following conditions:
- installation height above sea level is not more than 1000 m;
- ambient air temperature according to GOST 15150 and GOST 15543.1;
-45°C to +40°C for climatic version and location category U1;
-60°C to +40°C for climatic version and location category UHL1;
- environment – industrial atmosphere of type II according to GOST 15150-69 (not explosive, not containing chemically active gases and vapors in concentrations that reduce the parameters of the transformer transformer substation within unacceptable limits);
- thickness of the ice wall is no more than 20 mm;
- degree of protection of the shell IP34 according to IEC 60529
Modules of electrical units are made of II, IV degrees of fire resistance with enclosing structures made of panels with non-combustible basalt mineral wool insulation and structural fire protection of load-bearing parts.
Modules MEB 60529 must not be used:
- in an explosive and fire hazardous environment, as well as in an environment containing caustic vapors and gases that destroy metal and insulation, with the exception of cases of using fresh ventilation of a module of electrical units;
- on mobile mines and other special-purpose installations;
- as a building with an increased level of responsibility.
The MEB is one or more electrical module blocks installed on foundations with electrical connections fully installed within the block(s). The MEA serves as a protective shell for the components installed inside it; conditions corresponding to operating conditions are maintained inside the module. Conditions corresponding to the operating conditions of a package transformer substation or switchgear are maintained inside the module.
Block options:
- frame structure made of sandwich panels, filled with basalt fiber, which does not support combustion;
- frame structure with profile sheet covering. Basalt fiber is used as insulation,
MEA designs:
- The base frame is a lattice structure, the load-bearing elements of which include steel channel beams running along the perimeter of the frame and across it at distances from each other that provide the necessary strength and rigidity of the frame. The load-bearing beams, in the direction perpendicular to them, are additionally connected by elements of assorted steel angles with distances between them that provide the necessary load-bearing properties of the floor. At the base of the electrical unit of the module for rolling in (rolling out) a transformer installed on a trolley (on wheels), there are channel guides (they may not be installed in individual blocks). For input and connection of cables, there are holes in the base of the module of electrical units at the places where the equipment is installed. The holes are sealed with rubber gaskets.
- The floors of the base frame (flooring) are made of 3 mm steel sheet, and depending on the requirements of the project, they have an additional coating with aluminum corrugated sheet. Fastening to the base frame frame with self-tapping screws.
-The ceiling frame is a frame structure, the load-bearing elements of which include steel channel beams. Panels with non-flammable insulation made of mineral wool slabs are placed in the ceiling frame.
- The walls are made in two versions - sandwich panels, or from metal profiles filled with mineral wool. Sandwich panels (depending on climatic conditions) are used with a thickness of 80, 120, 150 mm, with insulation based on mineral wool fiber and metal cladding coated with PE - Polyester. Coverage no more than 25 microns with a glossy surface. The base of the coating is polyester paint.
The number of blocks in a module and their location relative to each other can be different. The dimensions of the electrical module module are determined by the number of blocks depending on the layout.

We offer you documentation for the manufacture of metal modules of electrotechnical blocks (MEB) of switchgear up to 35 kV:

- Preliminary technical documentation for participation in tenders for the manufacture of MEB. We will prepare for you the necessary information to assess the possibility of manufacturing products in accordance with the requirements of tender documentation and questionnaires.
- Working drawings, 3-D models, and other necessary documentation for the manufacture of MEB at your enterprise. If you do not plan to independently manufacture components and parts of the product, we will help you place their production at third-party enterprises. General assembly of the product and installation will be carried out at your enterprise.
- All documentation, if necessary, is adjusted in accordance with the requirements of the project, as well as in accordance with the technological capabilities of your enterprise.
- If equipment from another manufacturer is installed at the substation, we will prepare for you documentation for the manufacture of similar equipment in addition to the installed one

Advantages of working with us:

- You do not need to employ highly qualified engineers - You receive a set of documentation for the product being manufactured, which can be operated by a semi-skilled engineer.
- You do not need to manufacture prototypes of products - our experience allows us to successfully launch serial batches of products for production.
- Working according to our documentation - your specialists will receive advice on all the nuances of manufacturing MEB.

For additional information on metal modules of electrotechnical blocks (MEB) of switchgear up to 35 kV, please contact: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

... and, as you know, a mistake made during the design of a product results in 10-fold costs during manufacturing, and 100-fold during its operation...

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