Air-insulated secondary switchgear up to 12 kV KSO-423 «Omega»

Air-insulated secondary switchgear up to 12 kV KSO-243 "Omega" are used for receiving and distributing three-phase alternating current electricity with a frequency of 50 and 60 Hz in networks with an isolated or grounded neutral.
AIS KSO-243 "Omega" cells are used in:
- indoor switchgear units (ISU) of complete transformer substations (CTS);
- electrical substations of industrial enterprises;
- switchgear of power plants' own needs;
- public utility facilities;
- and other power supply facilities.
AIS KSO-243 "Omega" cells are installed both in permanent closed switchgear buildings and in special quickly-assembled modules of full factory readiness.
Features of KSO-243 "Omega" cells;
The frame of the KSO-243 "Omega" cameras is made of steel with an aluminum-zinc coating, the facade doors are powder-painted, which makes the structure reliable and durable. The compactness of the design is achieved due to the location of the switching devices transversely relative to the busbars. The KSO-423 Omega housing contains power vacuum circuit breakers on draw-out elements, SF6 load switches and disconnectors, current and voltage measuring transformers, auxiliary transformers on draw-out elements, as well as high-voltage capacitors for reactive power compensation. To increase localization ability and ensure operational safety, the module body is divided into isolated compartments: busbars, secondary circuits, switching devices and cable connections.
Busbar compartment:
The insulated busbar compartment significantly increases the reliability of the structure and eliminates the possibility of overlap inside the cell. Busbars are formed by serially connected busbar sectors made of electrical copper. The busbars are installed on the terminals of the fixed contacts of disconnectors or load switches. To localize the electric arc within one cell, in the busbar compartment there is the optional possibility of installing a panel with bushings for busbars. With a double-row arrangement of cells in the switchgear room, the sections are connected by a bus bridge or cable insert.
Secondary circuit compartment:
In the secondary circuits compartment, a microprocessor relay protection unit, devices for commercial or technical electricity metering, electrical measuring devices (ammeters, voltmeters), terminal rows, heating and lighting circuits, automation and operational interlocks are installed. The fluorine circuit bundles are laid in a cable duct built into the secondary circuit compartment of each cell. To inform maintenance personnel about the position of switching devices in KSO-243 "Omega" cells, a mnemonic diagram with light indication is used, which is placed on the compartment door.
Compartment of devices and cable connections;
All equipment of the compartment is technologically installed in a withdrawable design, including the power switch and current transformers. The voltage indication unit monitors the presence of voltage on connecting cable lines and busbars. It receives the signal from support insulators with capacitive voltage dividers. The design of the compartment doors has a reinforced structure and a mechanism that provides multi-point fixation of the doors to the cell body when they are closed.

Technical data

Rated voltage, kV 6; 10
Rated insulation level, kV 7,2; 12
Rated branch busbar current, A 630; 1250
Rated busbar current, A 630; 1250
Rated short-time withstand current (3s) 20
Electrodynamic resistance current for a duration of 1 s, kA 51
Rated current of fuses, A 200
Rated disconnecting current of fuses with a rated current of 200 A, kA 20
Climatic design and placement category GOST 15150 U3
Degree of protection provided by enclosure IEC 60529 IP20
Overall dimensions, mm
- width
- depth
- height

2010 - 2235

We offer you documentation for the manufacture of switchgear KSO-423 «Omega»:

- Preliminary technical documentation for participation in tenders for the manufacture of switchgear KSO-423 «Omega». We will prepare for you the necessary information to assess the possibility of manufacturing products in accordance with the requirements of tender documentation and questionnaires.
- Working drawings, 3-D models, and other necessary documentation for the manufacture of switchgear KSO-423 «Omega» at your enterprise. If you do not plan to independently manufacture components and parts of the product, we will help you place their production at third-party enterprises. General assembly of the product and installation will be carried out at your enterprise.
- All documentation, if necessary, is adjusted in accordance with the requirements of the project, as well as in accordance with the technological capabilities of your enterprise.
- If equipment from another manufacturer is installed at the substation, we will prepare for you documentation for the manufacture of similar equipment in addition to the installed one

Advantages of working with us:

- You do not need to employ highly qualified engineers - You receive a set of documentation for the product being manufactured, which can be operated by a semi-skilled engineer.
- You do not need to manufacture prototypes of products - our experience allows us to successfully launch serial batches of products for production.
- Working according to our documentation - your specialists will receive advice on all the nuances of manufacturing switchgear KSO-423 «Omega».

For additional information on switchgear KSO-423 «Omega», please contact: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

... and, as you know, a mistake made during the design of a product results in 10-fold costs during manufacturing, and 100-fold during its operation...

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